GEESE! Part 3. Final Leg
This flock of Snow Geese was in a harvested corn field in Southeast Missouri, right next to an occupied house. My third day of the trip...
GEESE! Part II Snow Geese dead and alive
I found big flocks of Snow Geese in Illinois on the second day of my waterfowl trip I got up well before dawn on my second day, intending...
GEESE! part 1: Tennessee NWR
After turning in final grades for the semester, I couldn’t bear to spend another day staring at my computer screen, so on Saturday Dec 5,...
Chicken Run: Red Junglefowl in Fitzgerald, GA
Red Junglefowl in Fitzpatrick, Georgia have been added to the official ABA checklist. They now count as life birds in the ABA area. I...
The Cassia Crossbill is not a species
I recently went to see the Cassia Crossbill (Loxia sinesciuris) in Idaho to add that species to my life list of North American birds. I...
Ruby Lake: a stunning desert wetland
The wetlands that comprise Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge were both beautiful and very birdy. After My successful Himalayan Snowcock...
Himalayan Snowcock--not as hard as legend suggests
In North America, Himalayan Snowcock are only found above treeline in the Ruby Mountains, Nevada. In the movie The Big Year, the...
Nevada - my 50th state
In the spring of 2020, Nevada was the only state I had never visited. I decided to drive over and have a look. A few years ago, I...
Cassia Crossbills in Cassia County, Idaho
Cassia Crossbills were easy to locate in the Diamondfield Jack Campground in Cassia County, Idaho. After leaving Bear River Refuge, I...
Bear River Refuge (via Wyoming)
Bear River Refuge at the north end of Great Salt Lake is one of the most important wetland areas in North America. Unlike Cheyenne...